I had done some Heelwork to Music, so I was very excited to take up the opportunity of getting advice from expert Gina Graham at the Cold Wet Nose Show. I showed her what Buddy could do, and asked advice with getting him to walk backwards in a straight line which I was having trouble with.
Then she offered me the chance to work one of her dogs, which was fantastic! It was really fun to work a dog that was so quick and responsive. It gives me something to aim for with Buddy.
The other good thing about Heelwork to Music is that you can work to your dog's strengths. So for example if he enjoys weaving through your legs, you include lots of that and so on. Be careful though, because once you start, you get hooked!
Pretty amazing dog.Proof if
Pretty amazing dog.Proof if needed that collies are the most intelligent breed.Collies Rule!