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Amazon BookBoxer: An Owner's Guide to a Happy Healthy Pet Anonymous0never
Amazon BookThe Boxer Anonymous0never
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PhotoEndal, dog of the millenium julie0never
Blog entryA wags to riches story julie0never
Amazon BookCollies: How to Take Care of Them and to Understand Them (A Complete Pet Owner's Manual) Anonymous0never
Blog entryScotland the great holiday destination (and trouble at home) julie0never
Blog entryCanine communication (or dogs are really weird) julie0never
Amazon BookThe Complete Idiot's Guide to Labrador Retrievers, 2nd Edition (The Complete Idiot's Guide) Anonymous0never
Amazon BookHow to Train Your German Shepherd (Tr-102) Anonymous0never
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Blog entryTennis balls and the wormhole into tomorrow julie0never
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Amazon BookPet Owner's Guide to the Bulldog (Pet Owner's Guide) Anonymous0never
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Amazon BookLiving With a Pomeranian: Book with Bonus DVD (Living With a Pet Series) Anonymous0never
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