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LinkHound TV admin0never
Amazon BookGuide to Owning a Bichon Frise: Puppy Care, Grooming, Training, History, Health, Breed Standard (T.F.H. Dog Series, RE-318) Anonymous0never
Amazon BookThe Jack Russell Terrier: Courageous Companion (Howell's Best of Breed Library) Anonymous0never
PhotoGrace : Labrador Retriever admin0never
PhotoWeiss : German Shepherd Dog admin0never
Amazon BookThe Joyous Havanese Anonymous0never
Amazon BookKomondor (Kennel Club Dog Breed Series) Anonymous0never
PhotoNorman : Basset Hound admin0never
Amazon BookSt. Bernard (Comprehensive Owners Guide) Anonymous0never
PhotoBerkenbar My Guy (Brock) : English Springer Spaniel admin0never
PhotoDo : Jack Russell Terrier admin0never
PhotoCrystal: Beagle Anonymous0never
Amazon BookChihuahuas For Dummies (For Dummies (Pets)) Anonymous0never
PhotoMaya Danielle : Shih Tzu admin0never
PhotoThemo: Beagle Anonymous0never
PhotoKoda : Labrador Retriever admin0never
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Video UploadBuddy timed retrieve Anonymous0never
Amazon BookThe Complete Idiot's Guide to Rottweilers Anonymous0never
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Blog entryThree new AKC breeds to debut in the National Dog Show julie0never
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Blog entryDogs Trust responds to the proposal to re-introduce the dog licence julie0never