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Speaking for Spot

Nancy Kay honoured

A long time friend of the show Nancy Kay has received the Leo Bustad Companion Animal Veterinarian of the

The 10 Commandments of Veterinary Office Visits

Article Description: 

Advice from veterinarian Nancy Kay on how to get thet best from your visits to the vet.

This article first appeared in Bark magazine Sept/Oct 2008 issue.

Nancy Kay is the author of Speaking for Spot. (

I: Thou shalt push thy veterinarian off her pedestal.

Can I Prevent My Dog From Getting Cancer?

Article Description: 

When it comes to a cancer diagnosis, one of the most common questions I'm asked is, "How did my dog get this?" It's only natural that people want to know what they could have done to prevent this dreadful diagnosis.

Nancy Kay is the author of Speaking for Spot. (

When it comes to a cancer diagnosis, one of the most common questions I'm asked is, "How did my dog get this?" It's only natural that people want to know what they could have done to prevent this dreadful diagnosis. 

Looking for doggy Christmas presents?

If you're looking for a Christmas present with a doggy theme, how about Speaking for Spot? You'll please the dog lover you give the gift to, and you be doing a good turn to their dog - empowering their owner with the knowledge they need to make the right decisions. Here's more information from author Dr Nancy Kay:

Speaking for Spot - great new book

Rescue Rotties treated by Nancy Kay.

Rescue Rotties treated by Nancy Kay.
Click on photo for larger image.

I recently interviewed vet and author Nancy Kay about her book Speaking for Spot: Be the Advocate Your Dog Needs to Live a Happy, Healthy, Longer Life. This is a terrific book with lots of information dog owners will find useful. There are issues for you to consider, advice on how to approach visits to the vet, and a fascinating chapter on the latest treatments available for pets. After talking to Nancy, I wish she was my vet. (If my vet is reading this, you're great too.)