Koda talking at a sled dog race.
We have some beautiful photos uploaded to the site, but this one stood out. I like the composition of it, and I think the dog is stunning. The comment is lovely too. The dog in question is a Siberian Husky called Misha, and I hope you enjoy the photo as much as I did.
If you have a dog, share his or her photo with us, and don't forget to check out our breed profile pages to see other listeners' dogs.
after trying for hours, i got got this pic.
both of us tired ;)
i want everyone knows Misha and says "woow what a beautiful husky she is ! " ;)
she is our family's lovely girl
my second love after my husband ;)
my only friend sometimes....
i love you my dear :)
This is Max the first month we got him. He will be 1 in June and has grown a lot since this photo but his blue eyes are just to die for. We love him he is just a riot!
I know from the feedback we've had that some of you love Huskies, so I thought you'd appreciate these photos on the Boston Globe website. They show not only the beauty of the dogs, but also the power of them in action, and the closeness of the bond between them and their handlers. They show dogs participating in the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, in which teams cover 1,868 km (1,161 mi), taking 8 to 12 days to do so. That's amazing isn't it?
the one with blue eyes, is my girl mia, shes beautiful and such a loving dog. the other one is my merlin a male whos very kind and tame, they are both gorgeous animals, i love them both so much. they are spiritual dogs, they protect me. i love them so much x
I was asked to look after these gorgeous dogs.
Nina and Shiloh enjoying a little "dress-up" for halloween!!!
Nina is the ultimate diva princess and Shiloh is the perfect example of a male... lost in space on their way from Mars!!!!