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Give a Dog a Home

New: Give a Dog a Home campaign

I've just been contacted by Kloe Jobling who is trying to make a difference to dogs in her area. Sounds like a great idea to me. Here's more info about the Give a Dog a Home campaign:
Introducing: Give a Dog a Home

Tails of abandoned dogs in Sunderland are set to start wagging thanks to a local campaign.

‘Give a Dog a Home’ aims to encourage Sunderland residents to consider adopting a dog from a local shelter instead of buying a puppy.

Graeme Sims: The man who can speak dog

Graeme can work up to nine Border Collies simultaneously.
Click on photo for larger image.

We've just got home from a highly enjoyable visit to Graeme and Maureen Sims. Graeme has a book out later this month, and having read it, I can thoroughly recommend it. Give a Dog a Home focuses on how best to settle rescue dogs into their new homes, and how to approach training them. Graeme uses two rescues dogs he has taken in, to illustrate how it can require lateral thinking to come up with a training regime that suits the dog. The interview we recorded today with Graeme will be in a DogCast Radio show later this year.

The book is a great read; Graeme is a brilliant