As the heatwave (by UK standards anyway!) continues in Britain, our dogs are feeling the heat just as much as we are. Here are some lovely photos of a couple of Battersea residents cooling off.
Lucky Max, a Rottweiler, is cooling off in a paddling pool, while mixed-breed Indi is tucking into an iced dog treat. It's unbelievable that while some of us are going to great lengths to ensure our dogs don't overheat, some irresponsible owners are still leaving dogs in hot cars.
Dogs die in hot cars - surely the message should have got through by now? Here's a link to a blogpost I wrote
Max the Rottweiler enjoying a cool down in a pool at Battersea.
The Perfect Rotweiler...:)
Very Friendly....(sometimes..:p)
This Is Denzel, our 8 Month Old Rotty Puppy who we rescued last week, he had been bought as a puppy by a young couple with 3 children under the age of 5 and dont think they realised just how much time and commitment goes into take care of these gentle giants, and so they signed him over to us. There misfortune was our stroke of luck, both me and my partner have bad cases of puppy love since we got him last week and are totally smitten with everything about him. He enjoyes twice a day swimming in the river at the bottom of our garden and playing with all the other dogs there.
this is my new puppy Sheba, I adopted a rottweiler/shepherd mixed puppy . She was a little shy when she cane to her new home but after a few hours she was getting use to here new master and her new home.