This is a look at the history of this popular Newfoundland dog. Hynes begins his book with a history of the breed and quickly moves on to stories about Newfoundland dogs past and present. These tales make up the bulk of the book and are generally short, illustrating the traits we associate with the breed: ....
This comprehensive treatament of the breed is the zenith of writing on this subject. Already translated into two other languages from the original Italian, the work has been a best seller in each language. The study of anatomy, history, and a novel way of looking at the axiom for follows function make ....
This stalwart canine lifeguard was favored by many famous owners, including Lord Byron. “Newfies” remain faithful family companions. Books in the comprehensive and popular Barron’s Complete Pet Owner’s Manuals series advise on feeding, health care, housing, and all other important aspects of responsible ....
Massive, noble and majestic, the Newfoundland possesses an instinctive desire to bond with humankind, sprouting from his instincts as a water rescuer. The seafaring "gentle giant" remains close by man's side as a helper and companion both on land and in the water. ....
Dogs name: SAM
Owners Name: Carrie Klestinec
Sam is 2 years old. He is also sick with megaesophaguas. But I love him and he is very smart and attentive.
Dogs name: MORGAN
Owners Name: Margaret Ford
Bred by Chris Rushton England.
Dogs name: GRACIE
Owners Name: MARK
Dogs name: Benson
Owners Name: Jane Taylor
Only 8 months old now, he was 4 months old when this picture was taken. He is a total joy to have, makes a total mess, but he is very soppy and full of love.
Dogs name: Hamish
Owners Name: Elizabeth
It's Hamish! He's unusual because he grew up with a Labrador retriever, so he's pretty hyperactive for a Newfoundland.....