The docile, friendly, affectionate Lab makes a fine household pet and is very good with children. Here is sound advice on feeding, training, grooming, and much more. Heavily illustrated with vivid color photos and instructive line art, BarronÂ’s Complete Pet OwnerÂ’s Manuals show and inform pet owners ....
You have a picture in your head. A picture of yourself with your practically perfect dog. You’ve always preferred big dogs, and your ideal dog is sturdy, strong, and energetic. At the same time, you envision a dog who is gentle and completely in tune to your needs, your whims, and your every move. ....
The typical Labrador Retriever is relatively easy to train. The author takes readers step-by-step through her method, which emphasizes positive reinforcement. As part of the Training Your Dog Series you will be taught just that; how to train your dog, with special emphasis on your special breed. ....
While on a camping trip, Ted Kerasote met a dog—a Labrador mix—who was living on his own in the wild. They became attached to each other, and Kerasote decided to name the dog Merle and bring him home. There, he realized that Merle’s native intelligence would be diminished by living exclusively in the human world. He put a dog door in his house so Merle could live both outside and in.
I recently read Merle’s Door by Ted Kerasote. ( This is an amazing book, that I do recommend you read. Merle is a young dog living wild when he meets Ted, and the book tells the story of how they educated each other. One of the doors that the title refers to is a dog door that Ted installed in his house.
Welcome from Buddy and Star
Dogs name: Dakota
Owners Name: Vicky Garcia
Fun Summer Day out at the lake. Dakota enjoys swimming and retrieving his toys from the water. We Enjoy his company and his companion.
Dogs name: Hoover
Owners Name: David and Betsy Lundeen
Hoover is now 4 years old. He was a rescue dog and has become a perfect family pet. We now volunteer as a foster family and have blogged about it here:
Dogs name: Holly
Owners Name: Karen&John
Our Chocolate loves to be outside and digging is one of her favorite pastimes.
Dogs name: Gus
Owners Name:
Last of my dog-sitting and dog-walking pictures. Gus is a purebred black labrador puppy, even though he does look a bit like a crossbreed. He's an earnest, good boy who wants to please but is so stubborn!