Buddy as a puppy playing tug of war with a rag toy. When he first arrived, he didn't have much idea what toys were for, but it didn't take him long to work out that they were fun. Even when he was this little he could still give a strong tug with those sharp little baby teeth!
As you can see, playing with a puppu can have unexpected consequences, but never mind, it's all part of the fun. And before you know it, they're all grown up. But still very playful in Buddy's case!
We had just brought Buddy home, and this was the first meal he ate at home. Then he had a sniff around and a drink, and it was time to be vigilant and get to grips with toilet training!
He was such a cute puppy, so friendly and cuddly, and that soft puppy coat was beautiful. I can't believe he was so little then, and he's grown so big now. At the time it seemed like such hard work, but looking back, it passed so quickly. Great to have photos and video to look back on.
This is Buddy as a young puppy playing with a treat ball. He can smell the treats inside the ball, but he can't quite get the hang of how to get to them. It didn't take him long to learn that if he rolled the ball along, the treats fell out and he got to eat them. To begin with though we had to show him - sweet!
He was almost eight weeks old here and just so cute. I can't believe how fast he grew up into the gorgeous adult he is now. Lovely to look back.
Buddy as a tiny pupppy, having eaten his first meal at home. He was so sweet, and there is something so touching when he stops in front of the person, and presents a sit! We had just brought him home from the breeders, and he was probably missing his siblings and mum terribly, but he looks cheerful enough.
He was so small then - I can't believe how big he is now, at the grand old age of almost six! Seeing the video brings back such wonderful memories of his puppyhood.
I had done some Heelwork to Music, so I was very excited to take up the opportunity of getting advice from expert Gina Graham at the Cold Wet Nose Show. I showed her what Buddy could do, and asked advice with getting him to walk backwards in a straight line which I was having trouble with.
Then she offered me the chance to work one of her dogs, which was fantastic! It was really fun to work a dog that was so quick and responsive. It gives me something to aim for with Buddy.
How not to demonstrate a recall!
We were taking part in a fun day at an RSPCA centre, with our training class, and it was our turn to do a recall. As soon as I walked away from him, Buddy took off in the wrong direction! Then he left the display ring and even wee'd on a hay bale on which two people were sitting.
The worst thing was that I had to collect him and return to the ring and carry on. However, we did a recall with Buddy on the long lead and he recalled perfectly. More practice needed obviously.
How not to do an obedience competition!
It all starts off okay as Buddy and I set off doing off lead heelwork, then he decieded to break off and wee up the fence post. Then, even worse, he decides to go and help the dog in the next door ring with his retrieve! That dog was also called Buddy, so when my Buddy heard, "Buddy, fetch!" he was off.
I fetched him back, and after another try at weeing up the fence post we finished the class.
We didn't win - surprised?
Buddy, my Labrador takes part in a fun timed retrieve game at the Cold Wet Nose Show. This required him to run down the enclosure, pick up a ball, and then race back. As you can see he wasn't that bothered about how fast he went, and so we didn't win. We did have fun though, which was what the whole day was about, so that was okay.
In this video, you can see dogs taking part in Kong Alley at the Cold Wet Nose Show. This involves dogs being recalled from one end of the alley, and having to run to their owner while resisting the temptation of kongs filled with tasty treats which litter their route.
As you can see, some dogs manage this with more ease than others! Star (Bichon) eventually makes it to her owner, while Buddy (black Labrador) almost reaches his owner before running back up the course to find more kongs!
Man's best friend Click photo for larger image and details |
This photograph always makes me smile. My husband was busy trying to carry out vital repairs to our boat’s engine, and he was ably assisted by Buddy. I just love the way Buddy has found a way in, and made the most of it. Maybe he has sensed Anthony’s mechanical frustration and is seeking to relax him, maybe he wanted to assess the damage himself, or more probably he just wanted some attention.