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Nick Jones

Nick Jones at Crufts


Trainer Nick Jones was on the Dogs Monthly stand at Crufts, dispensing advice.

A guide to taking your dog on your holiday

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Taking your dog on holiday with you can add a lot to your vacation - if you get it right. Here are some useful tips to make sure it's an enjoyable time for you and your dog.

Not only do I work as a full time dog behaviourist, I am a proud dad to my lovely daughter and there's my better half Sara. Our daughter is now 13, and since her birth we have become firm advocates of holidaying within the UK with our dogs.

Nick Jones' Dog Behaviour Questionairre

Nick Jones has been a guest on DogCast Radio several times and will be in our October show discussing the subject of dogs on beds.
He is currently studying for his masters degree and would appreciate some help. If you have five minutes to read through some material and give some feedback visit this blogpost from Nick. As Nick points out there are no wrong or right answers, and you may well learn something along the way.

So do you let sleeping dogs lie on your bed?

I was invited onto the Radio 5 breakfast show this morning to discuss whether dogs should be sleeping on their owner's bed. This is the second time I've been asked on to talk about this issue, and it's one that rumbles around and erupts into the news every so often. Interestingly, the latest survey in the UK has found that almost double the amount of dog owners in Scotland share their bed with a pet than the rest of us further south, and I think it's possibly because the weather up there is slightly cooler.

Recommended reading

Do you have blogs that you like to follow? Well obviously, in addition to this one! There are various ones that I like to check in with regularly, and I thought I'd share some with you.

Are you showing leadership to your dog?

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A quick reminder from Nick Jones of Alpha Dog Behaviour about how to avoid problems.

So often I find in my work that clients are falling into the same kind of ‘traps’ that make my phone ring with someone saying, “Help!”
On average, a first visit will last about three hours covering many issues, but here are a few top tips to ensure you dog sees you as ‘a leader’ and to avoid some of those traps.

Dog aggression

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Dog behaviourist Nick Jones of Alpha Dog Behaviour talks about Dog Aggression.

As a full time dog behaviour specialist, my role is to help owners whose dogs are showing undesirable behaviour. In my work dog aggression is relatively common, falling into three broad categories: dog to dog aggression, aggressive behaviour towards people, and finally aggressive behaviour focussed upon guarding food, territory or toys etc.

Exercise that dog!

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Nick Jones of Alpha Dog Behaviour discusses dog exercise

Not all dogs require a daily flogging until they come back wet and exhausted. I think it's just as easy to do too much as it is to do too little.

About 18 months is in my mind the best age to start opening the throttle more and exposing the dog to longer and more strenuous exercise. By this time the muscular and skeletal systems are well established, and able to take the strain.

Fireworks, your dog and how to cope

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Nick Jones of Alpha Dog Behaviour discusses fireworks, and how to cope.

Firework season is a nightmare…I know I see it frequently in my work as a dog behaviourist and trainer. Maybe if it were one night you could accept it, but no, it seems to go on for weeks; creating misery for the dogs and owners alike.
There have been campaign efforts in the past to reduce the volume of fireworks, but this seems slow to take effect. There also seem to be more and more shops opening specifically to sell fireworks at peak season, with little or no control on how much people can buy, or where they are let off.

Dog behaviour and leadership

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Nick Jones of Alpha Dog Behaviour talks about dog behaviour and leadership.

Hi I’m Nick Jones, and I run my own dog behavioural consultancy covering the West Midlands and surrounding counties. I am often asked about the subject of leadership, as it does seem to be a current ‘buzz word’ at present. So, I would like to address some of the areas you can look at with your own dog that can help if you are experiencing any difficulties.