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Toni Shelbourne

Episode 140 - Treibball and The Truth about Wolves and Dogs

Released Sat January 26, 2013
Length: 0:51:59
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Treibball is the latest dog sport - hear all about it from Sandi Pensinger. Toni Shelbourne talks about her book The Truth about Wolves and Dogs which questions alpha theories. Plus hear in the DogCast Radio News how you can vote to keep the dog token in Monoploy and join in the latest online fad of Find Momo.

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Episode 82 available now

Episode 82 of DogCast Radio is now available. This episode has an interview with one of those eccentrics you encounter occasionally in the dog world. Vlasidslav Roytapel is the Russian Dog Wizard. He now lives in the USA, although he has trained dogs all over the world, and currently he offers pet owners solutions to their problems.

The lost weekend

I haven't posted since Friday because Jenny and I spent the weekend stuck in bed with a horrible cough and really high temperatures. It was a real pain; we had to cancel a long anticipated family outing, as well as some quite important dog training. All the weekends when we had nothing planned when it wouldn't have mattered, and we had to be laid low this particular weekend. Ah well, worse things happen I know. I hope your weekend went well.
Anyway, Episode 81 of DogCast Radio is now available with two smashing interviews.