My Maltese, Shih Tzu, Chihuahua with Yellow eyes and a cute stripe on her nose. 8 Months old and super playful and sweet.
This is my beautiful Penny i suffer from fibromyalgia and my wee girl knows when i am in pain i love her to bits and she has made a difference to my life
Loves dogs, people and life...great little Girl...
I've just read a fascinating article on stray dogs in Moscow entitled Smartest Dogs: Moscow Stray Dogs . Apparently a growing number of dogs who have to fend for themselves are developing impressive and effective new ways of "hunting" down their food, courtesy of unwitting humans!
loghan, 4 years old. 'when they going to be back.'
I just love all the attention!
Now, if I could just keep my brother, Cooper, from pulling my bow out of my hair, I would be so happy!
Angel is a little over a year and loves to cuddle!
Scooter is an excellent traveler - he sleeps most of the trip, only to peek up front if he smells french fries!