Jewel and Tia were adopted from the breeder when they were retired. Jewel is now 10 years old and Tia is 6. Jewel is Tia's mother. They are my sprites and bring an energy to our house that was missing.
Pure breed yorkshire terrier
Getting to know each other, my niece and new puppy on their first day together
Boo was our baby sadly he died just before his first birthday. The vet believes he must have eaten poison plants or was bitten by something. He pass within 10 hours. Earlier he was jumping and flying through the house like usual. On this fateful day and around 1:30 PM he seemed tired and not like himself. A few hours passed and he looked like his balance was off when he went to get a drink I thought he is still half asleep. Later on he was trying to vomit but nothing was there, Sadly we passed it off as he must have eaten something and has a upset stomach. We just let him rest for a while.
Sweet, Smart and best friend lovces food!!
this is bruno tedd, and mica. Bruno is the lil guy in the coat he is my 3 lbs yorkie. Teddy-Bear my 7 1/2 lbs blonde yorkie and Mica is my 12 lbs palm-a-poo.
This is Dixie Belle, my little angel. She just turned 1 a few days ago. She is my heart. She is very playful and could play ball all day long.