Dogs name: Disco
Owners Name: Kym
The date on my camera is wrong. Disco will be a year old on Oct. 4, 2007 and I got her for Christmas in 2006. She loves to sleep under the covers!
Dogs name: Baxter and Bob
Owners Name:
Father and son. Both are ball dogs and great guard dogs.
Dogs name: Penny
Owners Name: John & Alison
Penny is gorgeous at thirteen weeks old.
Dogs name: Daphnee [roo]
Owners Name: abison
my roo is so cute.
Dogs name: Molisha Hernández
Owners Name: Raziel
Molisha loves nature...
Dogs name: CHICO *aka* BELLY
Owners Name:
Dogs name: Prince
Owners Name:
He is so verry playfull and full or energy he is 1yr and 3months right now
Dogs name: Peanut
Owners Name: Hope Bloom
omg so adorable
Dogs name: Lilly
Owners Name: Tobi Perrault
She is a mini dachshund. She is so cute!
Dogs name: Sebastian
Owners Name: Daniel & Mayra
Sebastian is the best dog ever! he's a couch potato but as soon as he hears the words "let's go" he'll go nuts! He loves car rides and wearing clothes, he's SUPER WELL BEHAVED and social. He enjoys mom and dad's company but is crazy about mom in a very genuine way.