this is olivia, she is a 2 years old mini dachshund isabella.
she is a lovely and beautifull doggie.
Es una perra muy amigable juguetona, sobre todo con otros perros.... la kiero muxo
"For the Love of Dachshunds" is the most deeply researched, brilliantly argued, and archly entertaining book on the Dachshund ever written. In 112 full-color photographs, a prestigious group of dog photographers captures the spirit of the Dachshund as a living companion. ....
Authors Mary Ann Rombold Zeigenfuse and Jan Walker. Teach your dog tricks you'll BOTH enjoy. The fun way, without rules and regimentation. Use the canine personality test included to find out your pets personality profile and then follow the step-by-step guideline to teach those tricks best suited to ....
Defined by its long and low outline, the Dachshund, whether sporting a Smooth, Wire or Long coat, in Miniature or Standard varieties, is counted among the most popular dogs in the world. This lively and intelligent dog is the symbol of courage and boldness, hailed as one of Germany's greatest contributions ....