Dogs Name: bonnie
Owners Name: carlos arce
she is the most incredible and lovebly dachshunt i ever share my life whit, she has her own personality, she likes food, like to try every think new, is't too smart, and the best she love me and protect me on rigth way, the best experience in my all life she have make her own way to be more than a family member she travels, no problem, she always happy she like to be with people that show love and respect on her
Dogs Name: Buddy
Owners Name: Nat and Glen
What a sweetie! Can't imagine life without a Dachshund!
Dogs Name: bonnie
Owners Name: carlos arce miami fl
shelikes to travel she has travel to the rainforest,peru, inca trail, cuzco, paraguay capiata pedro, selendin mountains peru, chicago usa, new york usa, galapagos ecuador she love
Dogs Name: Annie
Owners Name: Ed & Marietta McKinney
Our girl Annie! As you can see she likes to eat. Annie steals the heart of everyone that walks into our door. It is true, once you have a doxie you want another one.
Dogs Name: Dinkie Dow
Owners Name: Dwayne
Dinkie is everything to me! It doesn't matter what I'm doing....he's always right by my side. Where ever Dinkie goes you can bet he has his baby blanket in tow.
Dogs Name: Maggie and Joey
These are my buddies Maggie and Joey. They are littermates born December of 2000. They're great little dogs. In their spare time, they maintain a dachshund news magazine:
Dogs Name: Gracey-Lou
Owners Name: Julie
She isn't like a dog, more like an extra person in the house. We love her and she loves us!
Dogs Name: Bart and Pal
Owners Name: Suzonne and Patrick
These two love each other. Bart is 2 with lots of energy, and Pal is almost 6 and a couch potato.
Dogs Name: Maxwell
Owners Name: The whole family !!!
This is our dachshund Maxwell.But,we call him Max 4 short..He is such a playful 'Boy'....And I have also posted another picture of our other dog Zena..She is a Labordor Retriver
Dogs Name: Zeus Allmighty
still waiting for that promised belly rub.