Didnt think much of pee pads!
Selecting, training, housebreaking and showing. The Official Book of the Irish Setter covers all facets of the breed, including its colorful and illustrious history in the show ring, its accomplishments in the field, and its popularity as a loving and personable family pet. ....
For the owner who appreciates the Irish Setters place in history as a highly prized working gundog and holds interest in its emergence as a glamorous show dog and companion dog, Irish Setters Today contains pertinent information for and about the health and well-being of the breed. ....
Here are all the facts needed to properly care for this breed, including information and expert advice on grooming, feeding, training, dealing with illnesses and more. Fifty full-color photos, plus instructive line drawings are included. ....
Irish Setter owners will welcome the author's helpful chapters on everyday care, including feeding, grooming and exercise, and house-training and problem-solving based on a positive-training commonsense approach. ....
Dogs name: Beau & Dylan
Owners Name: Cara & Tony