Mother and Son, Duke and Sheba, desperate for a home together
This German Shepherd feels safe sheltering between his "Mum's" legs.
Buddy, Star and friends have fun!
From Sanjay
There's been some some good, some bad and some just plain funny celebrity dog related news lately. First off, Burt Reynolds has adopted a rescue dog
. His criteria for choosing the dog? - she reminded him of Steve McQueen. Now there's something you don't hear every day!
This one, I just don't understand. Joan Rivers is convinced she ate dog
Keeping an eye on dog-related news items is part of compiling DogCast Radio, and it seems there have been some unusual mishaps recently.
I love my dog :) he is so cute , in the kitchen waiting for a cookie
This is a video of a training class at the Cold Wet Nose Show. This was run by Dr Roger Mugford's The Company of Animals. As you can see, in this class handlers were learning how to get their dog to walk to heel.
They were doing really well, but I love the Cocker Spaniel off to the left hand side who decided to opt out! I like a dog with a bit of spirit and a mind of his own.