Dogs name: Nabil & Rania
Owners Name: Salma :)
They're wonderful dogs! They love to play and being with us :)
We're really looking forward that they have puppies :D
Dogs name: max
Owners Name: chaz
max trained in obedience protection and agility
Dogs name: Logan
Owners Name: Jamie
Logan is a year & a half old German Shepherd. His beginning in life was a bit tramatic as he was born with Congenital Idiopathic Mega-esophagus wich was quite severe but now a year and a half later he barely has any symptoms!
Dogs name: Bigley Bambino
Owners Name: Chuck and Leslie
Bam is our 1st purebred GSD, and he is an absolute joy to be around. He loves to make us smile, with his smile!
Dogs name: Ollie
Owners Name: Meredith
Dogs name: Jazmine
Owners Name:
I love to run, walk or play with Jazmine. Every day I come home and say "go get your leash", she is back in a few seconds. She even figured out how to get it when it's wrapped through itself connected to the bannister.
She is such a part of my world, I don't know what I would do without her
Jaz is so smart,sweet, and just a joy. Can you tell I love my dog?
Dogs name: Luka
Owners Name: Art Thomas
This is Luka, waiting intenly for me to throw the stick. Luka was a rescue shepherd. Now Luka is the smartest, most loyal, sweetest, most loveable GSD I have ever seen ... Much thanks to Michelle, our trainer ...
Dogs name: Bailey
Owners Name: Teri Farr
She was 15 weeks in tis picture and she is now 20 weeks. She is black with a white star on her chest. She's awesome!!!
Dogs name: Filow
Owners Name:
He broke his back :( and he only understands german so sometimes it's hard for him to understand me
Dogs name: Cody
Owners Name: Julie Kisic
Cody was adopted from the Dumb Friends League in Colorado and is now 1 year of age. Although a German Shepherd requires an enormous amount of exercise, I could not imagine another breed with more intelligence, loyalty and personality than this one!