So I finally got to see the film Marley & Me. Guess what? I cried. I don't mean sniffling in my tissue, and a bit of demure wiping of the odd tear away, I mean the kind of heartfelt sobs that shake you, and leave you fighting to draw the next breath in. I mean when your face screws up of its own accord, your mouth twitches and you feel a wail rising from deep inside you, and doing its best to escape you. (Of course I suppressed the wail for the benefit of those around me.)
Okay, I was going to write a blog about how many of the rescue shelters in Britain are reporting that they are filling up with dogs and can’t take in any more. But I wanted to blog about something happier, so I decided to talk about the upcoming movie of John Grogan’s book, Marley and me.
You can find a trailer and information about the film at and it looks like it’s a great film. Whether you’ve read the book or not you’ll enjoy the story of probably the naughtiest dog in the world. A Labrador of course!