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Dr Roger Mugford

Metropolitan Police Mistake Kills Family Pet

Sometimes you come across a story that makes your blood run cold, and the one below did just that to me. This is an appalling case, and is a shocking example of the scant regard some people hold dogs in, as well as an owner's love for her dog. It's bad enough to lose a dog however it happens, but it was in a possibly avoidable way, it's ten times as bad. I wish Melanie Hawes and her family lots of strength as they try to come to terms with the loss of Sam in these horrible circumstances.

Metropolitan Police Mistake Kills Family Pet:

Dr. Roger Mugford on Crufts

I met and interviewed Dr. Roger Mugford at his Train and Behave Week. He’s a real character who’s lots of fun and not afraid to speak his mind. He’s also passionately committed to dogs; his own and those whose owners appeal to him for training or legal help. He is extremely likeable in person.

Roger invented the Halti, and sells many variations on a Kong theme. You can find his website at

Here’s some thoughts from Roger about Crufts and the contribution of showing to the development of dogs: