Rusty's celebrating!
Rusty knows how to play fair.
I love discovering new products that my dogs might enjoy
, so when I came across Stagbars I was intrigued. Stagbars are stag antlers that are made into dog chews - obviously you don't give your dog the whole antler, they are cut into size appropriate chunks and sold by weight. Stags grow new antlers every season, and shed their old ones, so this is a very environmentally friendly business, which uses basically a waste product and turns it to good use. Sounds good so far, the only question left was would my dogs be as enthusiastic as I was?
Rusty's addiction!
"What's in the middle of this then?" Rusty explores his Stagbar, a chew for dogs made from stag antlers.
Leo checks out the Stagbars - dog chews made from stag antlers - while Rusty sniffs with interest.
Rusty does a lovely play bow to the tennis ball.
Rusty enjoys walks where he can chase a ball.
Rusty sleeps in some interesting positions.
Rusty making the most of having the couch to himself.