That Jack Russell Terrier was keeping an eye on Rusty!
Lovely Border Collie Zoe practises the benching scene for the Safe and Sound Team display for Crufts 2012.
I learned something today about my dog and about the way that I train my dogs that I found really surprising. I think it will help me be a better trainer, and it will certainly help make my dog happier during training.
Rusty knows how to relax!
Dawn Marcus talks about her heart-warming new book The Power of Wagging Tails, which highlights how beneficial dogs are for us in so many ways. Host Julie and Jenny have been on the Sheepdog Experience at the Mainline Border Collie Centre, hear Barbara and Vicki Sykes talking about the dogs they love. In the DogCast Radio News hear how dog owners have been falling fowl of the law, and hear why Julie's looking forward to doing some housework.
Who says it's all work for working dogs? Barbara Sykes gives Tess a tummy tickle.
Vikki Sykes demonstrates the next step after the pen in the Sheepdog Experience at the Mainline Border Collie Centre.
Vikki Sykes demonstrates the next step after the pen in the Sheepdog Experience at the Mainline Border Collie Centre.
Vikki Sykes demonstrating using the pen during the Sheepdog Experience at the Mainline Border Collie Centre.
Laidback Millie sleeps through the Sheepdog Experience - and lets the other dogs do all the work!