Dalmatian Harvey may be missing from owners in Wales
The RSPCA has launched an appeal to find the owners of a Dalmatian.
The Dalmatian, named Harvey was found alone and freezing cold at a bus stop near Shedfield Common in Hampshire.
He was then taken by a member of the public to Animed Veterinary Practice in Shedfield - vets there struggled to register his temperature as he was so cold.
Harvey, believed to be around three years old, also had severe diarrhea - he was so weak he could barely lift his head or wag his tail.
April 23 is the second annual National Lost Dog Awareness Day. Shelters and rescues across the United States use this day to bring attention to the many dogs in their care who have family looking for them. We live in a world where people sometimes assume the dogs they find are unwanted. Lost Dog Awareness Day has the stats to prove them wrong.
Hi we are back from our holiday, which was great. There has been sad new while we were away, with the death of that wonderful dog Endal. I was so sad to hear of his passing, and so glad that we got to meet him. You can read more about Endal in Beverley Cuddy's blog - but be prepared to cry.
LOST 12/26 ON I-10 Marker 19 from Auto Accident
– No Collar – has ear tattoos – age 9
•May seek shelter around buildings
or in open sheds, barns, or garages.
• A lost greyhound may avoid people or
become frightened when approached.
480 227 0951
I received this sad email recently:
Please help us find Noddy the greyhound
“We don’t know what else to do without the help of the local people.” stated Tina, a volunteer from New York. We’re a team of greyhound owners that all belong to a forum called GreyTalk. When we got
Happily, Princess Beatrice’s dog Norfolk terrier Max, who was lost in Windsor Great Park shortly before Christmas, has turned up safe and sound. She is delighted to have him back, and apart from having picked up an eye infection, Max is none the worse for his adventure. Over New Year we had our own encounter with a lost dog, though not one with such a posh owner.
This time of year can get stressful for us all, so if you feel your dog needs a Christmas survival guide, then check out this one from Dr Roger Mugford in the Telegraph. I love his suggestion for a dog owner’s New Year resolution. (www.telegraph.co.uk/topics/christmas/3902388/Christmas-survival-guide-Pe...)
Usually, if your dog goes missing in your garden, it doesn’t take you too long to find him, but when you’re royal it’s a bit more complicated. Bigger garden for a start.
If you have a dog with a penchant for running away, the Retrieva collar might be of interest to you. I remember interviewing a representative of the company at Crufts 2008 and thinking what a well thought out product it was. Not only does it let you track your dog, it is tamper proof, and will withstand water should your dog take a swim while wearing it.
So not only will it help if your dog simply wanders off, but it should help cut down on the number of dogs stolen. And that can only be a good thing.