Bruce and Ben Fogle are delighted to announce the launch of a quirky competition for all dog and cat lovers in a bid to gather new friends for two important charities - Dogs Trust and Hearing Dogs for Deaf People.
This Newfoundland is attached to his retrieve toy.
Do you have a super smart dog, or one who needs extra distraction when left alone? Well here's news that might interest you:
Company of Animals premieres the world’s most eco-friendly dog toy at Crufts
Dogs in the UK are looking forward to being Bamboozled when Company of Animals premieres the world’s most eco-friendly dog toy at Crufts.
Your dog can lose weight and have fun:
The Company of Animals’ Wins Award for Battling the Bulge in Dogs
Underlining The Company of Animals commitment to help battle the bulge in UK’s dogs its multi-award winning Tornado interactive dog ‘brain-teaser’ recently scooped another award as one of the “Top Pet Fitness and Weight Loss Products of 2009” by the Association for Pet Obesity in the USA.
Buddy as a puppy playing tug of war with a rag toy. When he first arrived, he didn't have much idea what toys were for, but it didn't take him long to work out that they were fun. Even when he was this little he could still give a strong tug with those sharp little baby teeth!
As you can see, playing with a puppu can have unexpected consequences, but never mind, it's all part of the fun. And before you know it, they're all grown up. But still very playful in Buddy's case!