Can your dog sit on command or wait while you walk away? How are they at coming back to you when called? Battersea Dogs & Cats Home is calling for London’s most obedient dogs to rally on Sunday 6 September for an elimination of the rebellious, where only the cleverest canines will be crowned ‘top dog’.
The obedience elimination is just one of many classes on offer at Battersea’s Annual Reunion and Fun Day in Battersea Park – the highlight of the charity’s canine social calendar.
How not to demonstrate a recall!
We were taking part in a fun day at an RSPCA centre, with our training class, and it was our turn to do a recall. As soon as I walked away from him, Buddy took off in the wrong direction! Then he left the display ring and even wee'd on a hay bale on which two people were sitting.
The worst thing was that I had to collect him and return to the ring and carry on. However, we did a recall with Buddy on the long lead and he recalled perfectly. More practice needed obviously.
How not to do an obedience competition!
It all starts off okay as Buddy and I set off doing off lead heelwork, then he decieded to break off and wee up the fence post. Then, even worse, he decides to go and help the dog in the next door ring with his retrieve! That dog was also called Buddy, so when my Buddy heard, "Buddy, fetch!" he was off.
I fetched him back, and after another try at weeing up the fence post we finished the class.
We didn't win - surprised?