Buddy and Julie in action in the timed fetch game - how many retrieves can you manage in one minute?
This Newfoundland is attached to his retrieve toy.
Here, Jenny tries to get her Bichon Frise, Star to fetch a small dumbell. With some encouragement, Star trots down the course towards the item she should retrieve. However, once she gets there, she just won't pick it up - it's all beneath her. Jenny does her best to persuade Star, but finally, it Jenny who carries the dumbell back - along with Star too!
Well - it was all about fun, not winning.
Here a black dog shows how to do a quick timed retrieve. His owner gets excercise too! This was at fun dog show, the Cold Wet Nose Show. It was good to see how different dogs approached the game. Some, like this dog cooperated, while others could take a bit more persuading!
Buddy, my Labrador takes part in a fun timed retrieve game at the Cold Wet Nose Show. This required him to run down the enclosure, pick up a ball, and then race back. As you can see he wasn't that bothered about how fast he went, and so we didn't win. We did have fun though, which was what the whole day was about, so that was okay.