Stephen Foster is the author of Walking Ollie and Along Came Dylan. You can here him talking about his dogs and his books in episode 77 of DogCast Radio. Stephen was interesting and amusing to interview, and I enjoyed his books.
Ollie and Dylan running Click photo for larger image and details |
Sometimes blogs should carry warnings. Last Saturday I was catching up with my blog reading, and was working my way through my “favourites”. I was bemoaning the fact that one dog blog I regularly read hasn’t been updated since mid-October, while I opened the next blog, which was Stephen Foster’s. ( I found myself looking at a post titled Leaving Ollie, and immediately alarm bells rang.
Stephen Foster's dogs Ollie and Dylan running on the beach. They inspired Stephen to write Walking Ollie, and Along Came Dylan.
Stephen Foster, author of Walking Ollie, and Along Came Dylan, with rescue dog Ollie, and latest addition, Dylan.
Photograph by Jason Bye.