Animal welfare charities unite to help creature casualties of Hungary’s toxic spill
Several UK animal welfare charities have joined forces this week to help domestic animals and livestock affected by the devastating toxic spill in Hungary.
WSPA, Dogs Trust, RSPCA International and the Worldwide Veterinary Service are sending vital veterinary equipment to help a Hungarian animal welfare charity, Rex Animal Island, in its desperate bid to rescue the hundreds of poisoned and injured dogs, cats, livestock and wildlife.
A morbidly obese rescue dog in Scotland is on a mission to lose almost half his body weight.
When Alfie, an eight-year-old Collie cross, was brought in to Dogs Trust Glasgow rehoming centre six weeks ago he weighed in at an incredible 41kg (6.45st), around the same weight as a twelve year old child.
Despite terrible downpours across the UK on Sunday 3rd October, nearly 2000 people supported 10 Waggy Walk events that took place all over the country. Wet but not downhearted, these hardy dog lovers - many with their four legged friends - completed the walks and raised vital funds for Dogs Trust.
I've received the following two appeals from Dogs Trust in the last few days. These two dogs really need a loving new owner to look after them. Could you help?
Dogs Trust Darlington’s Urgent Rehoming Appeal
Making provision for your dog in the event that you can't look after him - short or long term may be unpleasant but it's an issue you should consider. You can hear excellent advice on the subject from Dawn Antoniak Mitchell from the BonaFide Dog Academy in Episode 53 of DogCast Radio. Here's some more information on the subject:
Gemma Merna and her hounds promote nationwide sponsored event. Photo credit - Cavendish Press.
Click on photo for larger image.
Gemma Merna and her hounds promote nationwide sponsored event.
Photo credit - Cavendish Press.
I get regular press releases from Dogs Trust and I include many of them on the blog because they are asking for new loving homes for deserving dogs, or because they are celebrating fund raising efforts of brave individuals. And then this email arrived this morning, and I just had to include it. Poor Lucy has terminal cancer and is looking for a home to live out her days in. It's a big ask; it will mean bonding with Lucy, supporting her and coming to love her, all the time knowing you will lose her.
A stomach lurching way to raise funds:
Fundraiser for Dogs Trust Evesham
Keith Bishop, 30 years old, from Tewkesbury faced his fears on Sunday 11th July with a solo 12500ft parachute jump to raise money for the canine welfare charity Dogs Trust.
The forensic medic took up the challenge in memory of his late dog Blue, a Collie cross he rehomed 7 years ago from Dogs Trust Evesham.