I'm fed up again. I walk my dogs every day, and I scoop every single poop, so that's several scoopings daily, and has the media ever featured me and recommended me as a responsible dog owner?
Okay, I was going to write a blog about how many of the rescue shelters in Britain are reporting that they are filling up with dogs and can’t take in any more. But I wanted to blog about something happier, so I decided to talk about the upcoming movie of John Grogan’s book, Marley and me.
You can find a trailer and information about the film at http://marleyandmemovie.com/ and it looks like it’s a great film. Whether you’ve read the book or not you’ll enjoy the story of probably the naughtiest dog in the world. A Labrador of course!
It's Buddy's birthday today. He is six years old, and I can't believe that the tiny black bundle we brought home, it seems like not so long ago, is definitely all grown up. Well, physically anyway, at heart he is still a mischievous puppy, and is still full of energy, and I wouldn’t have him any other way!
In the last year he has tried many things for the first time – agility, heelwork to music, and obedience classes and competitions, and taken them all in his stride. He has also passed his Bronze, Silver, and Gold Kennel Club Good Citizen awards.
Four hopeful heads Click photo for larger image and details |
Well, I survived my arduous day’s work at Dog’s Trust. Actually it wasn’t arduous at all; it was very interesting, and I met some lovely people and dogs. The team at Dogs Trust Roden are so committed to helping the dogs in their care find loving new homes, it’s wonderful to witness.
Four hopeful heads at a Dogs Trust centre - looking for a new owner, or at least some fun.
Dogs Trust and Nintendo have partnered on an innovative new education initiative which is being launched by Girls Aloud.
Dogs Trust, Nintendo and Girls Aloud Click photo for larger image and details |
I’m off to my local Dogs Trust shelter tomorrow to shadow a canine carer for the day. Tomorrow – for the first time in a long time! – I will clock on at 8.30a.m. and clock off at 5.30p.m., with just an hour’s lunch break. Even when I do put in that many hours, it’s sitting comfortably at my computer.
Anyway, I’m thinking about Dogs Trust a lot tonight, and received this information from them too:
They say politics is a dog eat dog business, but for President Bush’s dog Barney, it became a dog eat reporter affair.
You can see what happened on You Tube (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=BQOG969hElQ&feature=related) when the Scottish Terrier decided he had had enough press attention. I don’t know about you, but when I watch that video what I see is a dog clearly giving off, “Don’t come near me signals.” The reporter ignored these at his peril.