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puppy farm

New blog against puppy farming

I've been contacted by Patricia who is passionate about campaigning against puppy farming. If you would like to support her fight, and find out more about the plight of dogs and puppies caught up in this unscrupulous industry, visit her blog, Puppy Trafficking.
The best of luck to her! Puppy farming has no place in the breeding of well-balanced, healthy, happy dogs - and while we're at it dogs don't belong in shops. At least not if they're for sale.
Take care,

Update on the protest at Harrods

The peaceful protest outside Harrods.
Click on photo for larger image.

Dogs really don't belong in shops, however posh or iconic the shop is. Good breeders who care about their dogs, and rescue charities too,want to see who is buying or adopting their dog - they don't supply shops, and there are many reasons why. Please don't buy dogs in shops - if there's no demand there's no reason for the shops to keep up the supply. Here's an update on the protest held outside Harrods to highlight the fact that Harrods sells dogs:


Harrods Protest

Campaigners from the anti puppy farming groups

Protest at Harrods over dogs for sale in shop


Campaigners from the anti puppy farming groups Puppy Love and SPEC and from the rescue site Dogpages during a peaceful protest at Harrods.

Protest at dogs for sale in Harrods


Campaigners from the anti puppy farming groups Puppy Love and SPEC and from the rescue site Dogpages on a peaceful protest at Harrods.

Angry dog lovers target world-famous store

Dogs do not belong in shops, and no scrupulous breeder would send their pups to a shop. But did you know that iconic London shop Harrods does sell dogs? Here's information about a protest to highlight this issue:

A coalition of anti puppy farming groups [1] will be staging a protest over the sale of puppies at world-famous store, Harrods on Saturday 4th December 2010. A petition [2] will be given to Harrods during the protest.

CAPS continue their fight

Here's the latest news from CAPS:

Elite Animals of West Hollywood Meet with Animal Protection Movement Leaders at City Hall

Companion Animal Protection Society's Along with Animal Activists Believe that Elite Animals is Selling Pet Factory Animals and Defrauding Consumers


Outbreak of disease at puppy farm

Just been alerted to a horrible news story in Ireland. According to the Dublin SPCA and the Ulster SPCA a puppy farm near Moate has an outbreak of Canine Brucellosis (Brucella canis). This is a virulent disease that affects fertility in dogs, and can be very difficult to recognise.

Episode 78 - Choosing a puppy and more on spending less at the veterinarian

Released Sat December 13, 2008
Length: 1:02:35
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  • Spending less at the veterinarian
  • Choosing a good dog breeder
  • News
  • Buddy's Diary
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Puppy farming in the UK

I’ve been very busy recently recording interviews for future shows, and one that sticks in my mind is one with Margaret Flack. Margaret, with the Kennel Club and the UK dog newspaper Our Dogs, is mounting a campaign to stamp out puppy farms, dog dealing and dog smuggling in the UK. I hope she is successful, and so should each and every dog lover in the UK - and beyond.