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Buddy's Diary

Episode 136 - teach a hug and take great photos of your dog

Released Sat September 29, 2012
Length: 0:42:47
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Pamela Johnson tells you how to teach you dog a hug behaviour - and the practical applications this has. Professional photographer Sarah Loveland has advice to help you take great photos of your dog. Plus the DogCast Radio News, Buddy's Diary and much more.

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I am my dog's Mom

I was listening to the British comedian Alan Davies telling a story about his Alsatian dog, and I noticed that he spoke of the dog as referring to him as Alan rather than Dad. This is something that becomes apparent about dog owners once you've been around them a while - some refer to themselves as their dog's mom or dad, others imagine the dog using their Christian name. I don't think there's anything wrong with either one, but I don't actually think that's how our dogs relate to us.

Buddy's Diary plus

If you've enjoyed the Buddy's Diary, fiction features and articles on DogCast Radio, then do check out the Buddy's Diary book. It - obviously - contains several Buddy's Diary entries, and fiction and articles from the show, as well as some material you won't have heard before.