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Fireworks Night appeal and advice from Battersea

Autumn can be a difficult time for dogs - the days get shorter, and in the U.K. we have Fireworks Night with loud noises that many dogs find scary. Battersea Dogs and Cats Home would like your help to supply their dogs with rawhide bones to distract them from the fireworks, and they have advice for you too.
Dig up a bone for a homeless hound this Fireworks’ Night

Fireworks, your dog and how to cope

Article Description: 

Nick Jones of Alpha Dog Behaviour discusses fireworks, and how to cope.

Firework season is a nightmare…I know I see it frequently in my work as a dog behaviourist and trainer. Maybe if it were one night you could accept it, but no, it seems to go on for weeks; creating misery for the dogs and owners alike.
There have been campaign efforts in the past to reduce the volume of fireworks, but this seems slow to take effect. There also seem to be more and more shops opening specifically to sell fireworks at peak season, with little or no control on how much people can buy, or where they are let off.

Canine solutions to bonfire night blues!

Article Description: 

Every year dog owners everywhere, are desperate to avoid their dogs becoming distressed as a result of the noise made by fireworks. Life can be a misery as fireworks are no longer confined to one night! As a canine counsellor or trainer, who believes in a gentle holistic approach, the following article includes information to help you and your dogs in the run up to bonfire night and beyond. The information provided is to help you the owner, make an informed choice and is not intended as a substitute for appropriate veterinary attention.

Every year dog owners everywhere, are desperate to avoid their dogs becoming distressed as a result of the noise made by fireworks. Life can be a misery as fireworks are no longer confined to one night! As a canine counsellor or trainer, who believes in a gentle holistic approach, the following article includes information to help you and your dogs in the run up to bonfire night and beyond. The information provided is to help you the owner, make an informed choice and is not intended as a substitute for appropriate veterinary attention.