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Snap to it – time for young animal lovers to get their cameras out

The RSPCA today (Tuesday May 28) launches its annual competition for budding young snappers to showcase their best images of animals.

The Young Photographer Awards 2013 (YPA13) welcomes all kinds of pictures from cheeky portraits of family pets to imaginative photos of wildlife and even close-ups of insects in a mix of categories open to young people under 19.

The competition is sponsored by Warners Midlands, supported by Olympus and Natures Images, and judged by a mix of photography professionals including presenter and wildlife expert Chris Packham.

Willie Nelson Jennings

Willie Nelson Jennings
Click photo for larger image and details

We have a lot of photos uploaded to our breed profile pages, but this one recently caught my eye. It’s Springer Spaniel Willie Nelson Jennings. It’s not only a beautifully composed photo, but I love the dog’s expression. He looks so wonderfully serious, yet you know probably a split second after the camera clicked he was bounding off to have more silly Springer fun.