There is good news for devoted pet owners struggling to find rented accommodation with their best friends. A specialist insurance policy is available through Endsleigh Insurance Brokers and Dogs Trust, the UK’s largest dog welfare charity, to encourage more landlords to accept pets in their properties, making it easier for pet owners to rent with their pets.
First Ever National Dinner Party Just One Month Away
Nationwide initiative to raise funds for Hounds for Heroes spearheaded by a man on a mission
London (UK), 16 August 2012: The first ever Dogs Dinner – a nationwide initiative to raise funds for Hounds for Heroes – is fast approaching.
I've just checked out Beverley Cuddy's blog and found a request to let as many people know as possible about the petition she has organised on the Prime Minister's website.
Irrespective of any “politics” involved, it does seem to me that the petition makes sense. Whatever the true figure is, dogs are suffering and bad breeding practice is going on. The Kennel Club has repeatedly pointed out that they lack any legal power to enforce health tests. This petition sets out to give them that power.
Below you will find a message from Beverley along with where to sign the petition.