Tens of thousands of people have signed RSPCA petition calling on Westminster government to introduce mandatory licensing for anyone selling puppies
Just three months ago, the RSPCA launched a national campaign to tackle the puppy trade in England.
The main aim of the Scrap the Puppy Trade campaign is to encourage the government to introduce laws in England to combat puppy dealers selling sick and dying puppies.
The RSPCA launched its campaign in October along with a petition which has since been signed by 50,000 people.
Crufts is only just over a month away. In five weeks’ time we’ll be smack bang in the middle of it all. This year’s Crufts could of course be quite an unusual one.
Lady Margaret Flack contacted me today to notify me of a petition she has started on the Downing Street website. You can find it at this link http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/Puppy-Farming/
There is a lot of change going on in the British dog world at the moment, and for the most part people hold wildly differing and strongly voiced opinions. Surely the one thing that unites all dog lovers is wanting the best quality of life possible for dogs. One of the key things we need to do to achieve that goal is to stamp out puppy farming.
I've just come across the Animal Saviours website, who have an onine petition to stop animal suffering in China. Live animals are being skinned for their fur in China. If you would like to stop that, please visit the site and sign the petition at the site www.animalsaviors.org/index.html
Be warned that the video and some of the still images on the site are distressing. But think of your own dog - or cat - and imagine them caught in that nightmare situation.
The site proclaims, "Only animals should wear fur" and I wholeheartedly agree - do you?
Take care,
Julie x
I've just checked out Beverley Cuddy's blog and found a request to let as many people know as possible about the petition she has organised on the Prime Minister's website.
Irrespective of any “politics” involved, it does seem to me that the petition makes sense. Whatever the true figure is, dogs are suffering and bad breeding practice is going on. The Kennel Club has repeatedly pointed out that they lack any legal power to enforce health tests. This petition sets out to give them that power.
Below you will find a message from Beverley along with where to sign the petition.