I've just checked out Beverley Cuddy's blog and found a request to let as many people know as possible about the petition she has organised on the Prime Minister's website.
Irrespective of any “politics” involved, it does seem to me that the petition makes sense. Whatever the true figure is, dogs are suffering and bad breeding practice is going on. The Kennel Club has repeatedly pointed out that they lack any legal power to enforce health tests. This petition sets out to give them that power.
Below you will find a message from Beverley along with where to sign the petition.
If in the wake of the BBC documentary Pedigree Dogs Exposed, you would like to express your desire to see change at the British Kennel Clubs, there are a number of petitions you could sign.
Vet Joe Inglis has set up a petition here www.petitionthem.com/default.asp?sect=detail&pet=4262 the aim of which is that “The Kennel Club will ban extreme inbreeding such as brother to sister matings, and enforce strict codes of conduct for all breeds, to ensure animal welfare is the number one priority.”