Here's a very touching follow up to the last post asking you to vote for Ricochet:
Please help spread the word for Target by forwarding, posting, twitting, blogging, etc!! Thank you.
Sometimes when I go into the bathroom and there's a big spider which takes me by surprise I scream. Sometimes when I'm hanging washing on the line in the garden a bee will buzz very close to my ear, and I will scream. At these times it is wonderful to know that while the rest of my family are rolling their eyes, muttering under their breath and basking in their sense of their own superiority, there is one in my household on whom I can rely.
Our Nina is a hero, she saved me and our home form a kitchen fire last November... you see, I suffer from a debilitating illness and that particular day was a terrible one for me, I was making my way upstairs to take my meds and a nap, but she wouldn't move (she follows me everywhere I go), so, I made it back to find her sitting by the kitchen entrance crying as if in pain, as soon as I got there, she grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the back door... I turned to look in the direction she was looking at ... the stove was in flames!....