Vikki Sykes demonstrating using the pen during the Sheepdog Experience at the Mainline Border Collie Centre.
Vikki Sykes helps Jenny control young sheepdog Pip.
Friends of ours have a pet lamb. He was an orphan, and they fancied having a pet sheep, so it worked out well for them both. He's called Shadow and he's very tame, to the point where quite dog-like he enjoys a fuss! Also dog-like he goes for a walk an a lead. He doesn't wear a collar, he has a harness, but it didn't stop Buddy and Star mistaking him for a fellow canine.
They were both very eager to get to him, although Shadow was not as eager to get to them. He was happy to have them nearby, but he had no desire to come nose to nose with either of them. Buddy was
Buddy and Star come over all sheepish!
I was fleeced! Click photo for larger image and details |
It is a delightful drive to my agility trainer’s home, the scenery is breathtaking. Buddy and I had completed a session, and I was feeling that we were progressing nicely. We were on the way home, windows down, music playing, not a care in the world. Then the sheep appeared.
This cheeky sheep blocked my way as I came home from dog training. He eventually reluctantly moved.