Battersea Dogs & Cats Home and insurer LV= have teamed up in 2015 to celebrate the country's most talented rescue dogs. The insurer is sponsoring Battersea's Rescue Dog Agility team, showing off the finest canine athletes, all champions in their own right.
Throughout the year the skilful hounds will demonstrate their speed, pooch precision, and fido-finesse at events around the country, entertaining huge audiences and proving that rescue dogs can overcome any adversity and stay ahead of the pack.
If you have a talented dog and you fancy being on television, then ITV has just the opportunity you're looking for!
ITV are on the lookout for the best dogs at heelwork to music, tricks and agility in Britain to take part in a one-off Christmas special! Get your skates on because auditions will be on 29th and 30th of October in London, and then filming of the show will be at the end of November.
This advert featuring Peter Kay is fantastic. I love Peter's performance in it - and the dog's! Excellent. If only it was that simple.
Gina Graham explains the benefits of agility to Jeremy Edwards.
I mentioned Lee Gibson's new DVD last week, and it was while we were working with Lee that Buddy did one of the funniest things he's ever done. We were completely new to agility, and so we started where Julie Andrews recommended starting - at the very beginning. Lee believes in getting the basics right; of teaching your dog the commands for each piece of equipment, teaching a right and left command, teaching a pause on the contact points, and a priority is learning to trust your dog, and giving him the space to let him get it right.
It's an approach that pays dividends. You simply can't
This is Buddy and Julie at Lee Gibson Training, learning how to do the contacts properly.
Lee Gibson of Lee Gibson Training has brought out a fantastic DVD to help you with agility training. Buddy and I went to him for lessons when we started agility, and I can thoroughly recommend his approach. Lee believes in
Agility with fire thrown in just to make it more difficult!
These dogs are jumping through hoops which are on fire, and then running along a rasied dog walk jumping through hoops which are on fire. One dog even retrieves a dumbell which has flames at the ends of it.
This video demonstrates the amazing things that dogs can do, and as you can see none of the dogs even seem to notice the flames, they just get on with doing what they are doing.
I was fleeced! Click photo for larger image and details |
It is a delightful drive to my agility trainer’s home, the scenery is breathtaking. Buddy and I had completed a session, and I was feeling that we were progressing nicely. We were on the way home, windows down, music playing, not a care in the world. Then the sheep appeared.
This cheeky sheep blocked my way as I came home from dog training. He eventually reluctantly moved.