AB 1634 is a bill in California that has been brought to my attention by Bichon Frise breeder, Matthew Culmore. (http://homepage.mac.com/mculmore/Bichons/) This legislation seeks to force owners to spay or neuter their dogs by the age of six months. While I can understand the dreadful suffering that motivates the bill, it seems there are many problems with such harsh measures.
AB 1634 is a bill introduced into the California State Assembly by Lloyd Levine, an Assembly Member from Van Nuys. It mandates that all cats and dogs be spayed or neutered—surgically sterilized—before they are six months of age. The bill purports to allow some animals to get an "intact permit" and avoid surgical sterilization, at least temporarily. Failure to comply results in a minimum $500 fine and forced sterilization of your pet.
Why AB 1634 is Bad
July 4, 2007
What is AB 1634?
AB 1634 is a bill introduced into the California State Assembly by Lloyd Levine, an Assembly Member from Van Nuys. It mandates that all cats and dogs be spayed or neutered—surgically sterilized—before they are six months of age. The bill purports to allow some animals to get an "intact permit" and avoid surgical sterilization, at least temporarily. Failure to comply results in a minimum $500 fine and forced sterilization of your pet.