Star tells it like it is!
Taking your dog on holiday with you can add a lot to your vacation - if you get it right. Here are some useful tips to make sure it's an enjoyable time for you and your dog.
Not only do I work as a full time dog behaviourist, I am a proud dad to my lovely daughter and there's my better half Sara. Our daughter is now 13, and since her birth we have become firm advocates of holidaying within the UK with our dogs.
I took this photo when we visited the beach after Buddy's venture into the doggy olympics.
It was a scene that made me smile then, and it does now. I like the feeling of solidarity - everyone's at the beach, even the dog, as evidenced by the scoop bag. I like the feeling it gives me of kicking off my shoes and having a run through the waves with my dog, having fun. And I love the fact that the family are being responsible, clearing up after their dog.
This always makes me smile!
I meant to post these pictures of Star's weekend last week, but other subjects came up (like poor Lennox) that were more pressing so Star got bumped to this week, but I'm sure she understands. Last weekend the forecast was for the last weather resembling anything like summery so we decided to make the most of. On Saturday we headed for the beach. Both our dogs love the beach, but for different reasons. Buddy loves to chase a ball across the sand and then cool off with a paddle. Star loves to dig for all she's worth and then sit and contemplate life. I managed to capture her doing just that in the first picture here, and it's one of my favourite shots of her. She can be a little monkey, but she does have a serious side.
Star contemplating life on the beach.
I took this photo on a pier in St. George Island, Florida. She is 3 months old. Enjoy =)
If you've followed this blog you may remember an appeal I wrote about to help get a Newfoundland dog called Bilbo reinstated to his work as a lifeguard on a Cornwall beach. You can read the full blog post here. The good news is that the Government have responded to the petition that was raised to support poor Bilbo.
This is the Government's response which can be seen in full here:
The forecast was finally for a warm weekend, so we headed for the beach. It turned out to be so hot that we had to find shade for the dogs. They loved it down at the water's edge where the sea was cooling and there was a delicious breeze, but back up the beach, they sat happily in the shade, peeping out from time to time to see if it was time to go for another paddle.
Buddy cooling off in the sea.