Hurley is a 145-lb American Rottweiler, aged 3. He's a good-natured fellow, plays well with others, is quite comical and LOVES his people. When he visits the dog park (where he's known as 'The Ambassador of Dog Town') he always goes to the people first, greeting each and every one, schmoozing for love. Then he greets his fellow canines. He's quite the character and we love him to death. Highly misunderstood breed -- we trained him early and well, and that's the key.
Prince is my 3 year old full bread cocker. I rescued him from Newark animal shelter when he was only 7 months of age. He is my most loyal friend and loving companion! I could not imagine life without him!!
We have only had Annie for 1 month. She is the most affectionate Westie we have ever seen! She is very loving, eager to please and very submissive. She always stands on her hind legs when she wants something from you, and it's too cute. We had to put our 12 year old Westie (Molly) down earlier this year but it's almost scary how alike Annie is to Molly! Tonight, after finding yet another similarity w/ Molly, I looked down at Annie and asked "Molly, is that you?"
Hollyrood Houndstounge - Zippo is just over 3 now. He is so smart, easy to train and loves everyone he meets.
with looks like this its easy to spoil him,so funny he hides under his bed then walkes around with the bed over him so are little parsons terrior barks and jumps on him,
great pet more people should have bassetts will walk,run,play.or lay,sleep,eat.will follow you everywhere and is in heaven with a bone great with other dogs and people. must not jump up as these dogs are big strong dogs love love love them..................
We brought Bruno into our family when he was about 6 months old..He grew into a huge, loving dog full of energy and mischief. When we adopted Phoebe, our 4 month old mini-Daschound, Bruno took full charge of acting like her proud papa! He loves to wrestle and run around with everyone and anyone. The two together are our little monsters, but they are the most amazing pets you will ever find.
its the best breed one can have!!!
This is our puppy Ford. This is him about 3 months old. He is such a good dog! they learn so fast!!!