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We Can't Stay Together for the Dogs

Canine custody

Dogs are often the forgotten casualties of divorce. Obviously the couple splitting up has a lot to deal with, and their priority should be any children involved, but then spare a thought for the dog. He's got used to how things are, and life with his pack. Then all of a sudden for no reason his pack is in pieces, and he may find himself moving house - that's if he's lucky enough no to find himself in a rescue shelter.

Animal husbandry and wifery

Last week I interviewed Jennifer Keene, author of We Can’t Stay Together for the Dogs. She was fascinating to talk to and has written a thoughtful, useful book.
Jennifer is an experienced dog trainer who has personally navigated the potential minefield of divorce. She has some excellent and relevant advice about how couples splitting up can avoid upsetting or unsettling their dogs any more than they have to. There are so many issues involved here; communication can become difficult, and it’s impossible to explain to a dog why his routine is changing.