Host Julie got to talk to Ashleigh and Pudsey - hear the interview in episode 149 of DogCast Radio.
Ashleigh and Pudsey in action at The Pet Show. Hear them in episode 149 of DogCast Radio.
Jenny Deakin and her heelwork to music team at Crufts - including the Julie Moss with Malamute Memphis, and Sandra Hallam with deaf spaniel Henry.
If you have a talented dog and you fancy being on television, then ITV has just the opportunity you're looking for!
ITV are on the lookout for the best dogs at heelwork to music, tricks and agility in Britain to take part in a one-off Christmas special! Get your skates on because auditions will be on 29th and 30th of October in London, and then filming of the show will be at the end of November.
Jenny Deakin with her dog Tom.
Michelle Dodson was judging heelwork to music at Crufts 2012.
Sarah and Ted take part in the heelwork to music display at Crufts 2012.
Christina Oxtoby showing you can weave with a Great Dane!
Ruach demonstrating a bow.
Just one of the moves you can do with a Great Dane in heelwork to music - paws on shoulders! Ruach and Christina Oxtoby.