Four canine members of the Roann's Dog Therapy Team wait for a treat.
Graeme Sims has a new website, The Graeme Sims Method - and dog lovers in Italy are in for a treat, as it's a bi-lingual website. Now not only English speakers can discover Graeme's wonderful life story, his love of dogs and his training methods. I've met Graeme many times and he is always delightful company, full of insights into dogs' minds, and never short of an amusing or thought-provoking anecdote. I will never forget watching him work nine sheepdogs simultaneously, it was amazing.
Graeme Sims is the shepherd who could work up to 9 dogs together simultaneously, giving commands to each dog in a different language. Now he shares his wisdom and experiences with dog lovers everywhere through his books, radio and TV appearances.
I love discovering new products that my dogs might enjoy
, so when I came across Stagbars I was intrigued. Stagbars are stag antlers that are made into dog chews - obviously you don't give your dog the whole antler, they are cut into size appropriate chunks and sold by weight. Stags grow new antlers every season, and shed their old ones, so this is a very environmentally friendly business, which uses basically a waste product and turns it to good use. Sounds good so far, the only question left was would my dogs be as enthusiastic as I was?
Rusty's addiction!
"What's in the middle of this then?" Rusty explores his Stagbar, a chew for dogs made from stag antlers.
Leo checks out the Stagbars - dog chews made from stag antlers - while Rusty sniffs with interest.
Zoe (Border Collie) and Zinda (Belgian Shepherd) keep a close eye on team rehearsals.
Here's Jake my 15 & a half year old Wicklow Collie who died on the 1st of May after having being diagnosed with lung cancer.He was a happy dog and enjoyed life to the full.The house is quiet and empty now without him.Jake was a great example of "man's best friend".
This is my babygirl, Kali she is the sweetest dog you will ever find she is always there for me when I'm going through trouble in my life also.