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Canine Good Citizen

Bronze Medal (well certificate anyway)

Last night Buddy and I passed the test for the Bronze level of the Kennel Club’s Canine Good Citizen Scheme. Hooray!
It was great to know that all our work for the last few weeks has been worth it, and we displayed our certificate and rosette prominently at home. Even though he was fairly well trained before, this more formal training has switched his brain back into work mode. He listens a lot more now, and he certainly walks on a lead better, because he responds much more to verbal commands and so he doesn’t get to the point of pulling.

Buddy's Bid for Citizenship

Buddy is starting the Bronze Good Citizenship Dog Scheme
Last night Buddy and I started a Bronze Good Citizenship Dog Scheme course of lessons.
The scheme is run by the Kennel Club and promotes responsible dog ownership. Not only do you have to train your dog to do certain tasks, but you as the owner have to know certain things. One of the most important of these to me is that you have to demonstrate that you are carrying some form of poop scoop.