I now live in a house with two gold dogs - Kennel Club Good Citizen gold dogs that is. Buddy passed his last year, and Star has passed hers tonight. I am so proud of my daughter and her dog, and it's been fascinating for me to see them train together.
I posed the question yesterday of what your style of walking is - but what's your dog's? Our two do like to be out in the lead a lot of the time. I put this down in Buddy's case to wanting to be the first one to encounter anything edible we might come across, rather than any dominant traits. In Star's case, she likes to be up with her big brother; it's a comical site him loping along, with her little legs scurrying away to keep up with him.
What they will both be distracted by is mud or water. What they seem to enjoy most are really big, really
Friends of ours have a pet lamb. He was an orphan, and they fancied having a pet sheep, so it worked out well for them both. He's called Shadow and he's very tame, to the point where quite dog-like he enjoys a fuss! Also dog-like he goes for a walk an a lead. He doesn't wear a collar, he has a harness, but it didn't stop Buddy and Star mistaking him for a fellow canine.
They were both very eager to get to him, although Shadow was not as eager to get to them. He was happy to have them nearby, but he had no desire to come nose to nose with either of them. Buddy was
Buddy and Star come over all sheepish!
On a walk are you a dawdler or a dasher?
Star takes a mud bath.
Star cools off with a paddle.
Buddy and Star find some shade at the beach.
Today is a "guest appearance" in the blog, with a post by Jenny.
I'm so proud tonight - Jenny and Star passed their Bronze Good Citizen award tonight. They came home with a certificate and a rosette, and a feeling of achievement. This scheme is run by most Kennel Clubs around the world, so wherever you live, check out if your KC offer the awards. There are three levels - Bronze, Silver and Gold - and each level is an eight week course. You can take each level again, if you don't quite make it the first time.