p>I've just received the email below from Dogs Trust. If anyone could offer Ivy a home the contact information is at the bottom of the text. What a poor little pup - hope she finds someone special to love her. Here's the email:
Staff at Dogs Trust Darlington, Co Durham, have launched an urgent appeal to dog lovers in the North East to foster a beautiful, partially blind and deaf puppy in their care.
Ivy, a white Whippet cross, was born at the rehoming centre in October. While the three month old pup’s six siblings have found homes, little Ivy was not so lucky.
A new addition to the best-selling Pet Owner's Guide series, this book contains information on how to choose a healthy pet. Topics include choosing the right housing, establishing a regular routine of care, and advice on feeding and exercise. In addition, special attention is paid to health care and ....
Elegant and affectionate, the Whippet rose from his humble beginnings as the "poor man's greyhound" to become an agile professional race dog and a highly prized companion and show dog. Today the breed enjoys great popularity around the world. The Whippet is hailed among the fastest of all sighthounds, ....
The most extensive line of basic pet information and training guides on the market, Barron's Complete Pet Owner's Manuals are written by experts, and profusely illustrated with full-color photos and instructive, high-quality line art. Each manual is individually written. ....
We don't have a breed profile for the Whippet just yet, but feel free to browse the pictures or leave your own.
If you are an expert in this breed, please contact us about contributing to the profile.